Validate Account Structure {FCSO-4}
This option will validate the account structure and a report will be produced. The items reported on are as follows:
(D)etail Accounts without a (T)otal. At any level (D)etail accounts
should have a (T)otal before a higher level can start. The (S)ubtotals
from the "start" of a level to the (T)otal of the level is unlimited. A
lower level may start within that range, as long as it is sub-totalled
and totalled before the higher one is totalled.
- (S)ub-total Accounts without a (T)otal. (D)etail accounts at a
specific level should have a (S)ub-total(s) and should end with a
(T)otal before a higher level is started. Lower level ranges are
allowed within the detail accounts or between sub-totals and/or the
total of that level.
- More than one total for the same range. Such a condition will
normally occur by accident, but if followed by a higher (T)otal, both
totals will be included resulting in a duplication of values.
- Control Totals. At the end of this report the system will reflect the
following totals: - Total number of accounts - Total number of (D)etail
accounts - Total number of (H)eader - Total number of (S)ub-total
accounts - Total number of (T)otal accounts - Total number of (0)-level
(zero) accounts - Total number of (N)on-active accounts.
User Selection |
Prompt Text
* an item between square brackets [ ] is the default
answer |
Length |
Comments |
None |
Sort Order |
Per |
Comments |
Detail for each Code Structure category. |
System Select |
No special system selection |
The output of this report consists of the following:
Accounts Statistics
Accounts per Level
Accounts where the Account Functions is not H, D, S or T
Accounts where the Account Level is not between 1 and 9
Invalid Accounts
Accounts where the Account Category is invalid
Accounts where the Budget Control Indicator is invalid
Detail and Subtotal Validation
Accounts after Account Level 9 Total
Account in the Revenue and Expense Range that are Asset or Liability
Account in the Asset or Liability Range that are Revenue and Expense
Rules |
No special processing rules |
See Also:
History Of Changes
Date |
System Version |
By Whom |
Job |
Description |
29-May-2008 |
v01.0.0.0 |
Charlene van der Schyff |
t145484 |
New manual format. |
23-Feb-2009 |
v01.0.0.1 |
Ernie van den Berg |
t155140 |
Review the manual. |